Sunday, August 13, 2006

NHHS 88th Anniversary - Hong MA Yi


Yes... the 88th Anniversary Series of videos are out! Watch out for this spot for the favourite dance of them all... Hong Ma Yi. Saving the best for the last, it will be posted later today.

I finally found the firewire that conects my videocam to my mac this year, so that explains why I did not upload it to youtube earlier... haha.

NHHS 88th Anniversary - Mei Nu

NHHS 88th Anniversary - Zhu Lin remixed

NHHS 88th Anniversary - Spanish Dance

NHHS 88th Anniversary -School Song by Choir


NHHS 88th Anniversary - Welcoming of the GOH

Fireworks @ Finale

Fireworks Video by ALoy

Final Rehearsal for NDP PReview

Final REhearsal for preview

NDP Finale


Nan Hua NDP Performance

NDP 2006

Channel 8 Interview

NDP 2006

History Project Thingy

History Project - Class 106

NDP Family Day

Video by Daryl...

NDP Candids

Indoor Stadium 2

Indoor Stadium practice 1

Qian Fan....